'What create a character?'
Many people with broken home family, orphan, poors or problem-attractor that have such characteristic that when they focus their will (and if they really mean it) into something good instead of pouting, it will turn out great.Why? because Hardship creates character. With character, we do something that we wish and won't go astray from our path due to temptation. If you ask me why do I think that way, here's some example:
Example #1:
A is a boy. He grow up in an ordinary family who love him. on the other hand, he is hated at school by the teacher because his curiosity that annoy the teacher. After that he become a drop out-boy because the teacher said 'I give up' and that A will be a failure in his life. A doesn't care what the teacher said and study at home with his mother. His curiosity turns out to be the effect of his logic and he excel in those fields like physics and math. He keep goin' until he himself become one of the greatest in the world.
Example #2:
B and C is brothers. both of them love birds when they fly and dreamt about it for their lifes. They try to make a blueprints of various invention mainly to let human fly. But they keep on trying despite of their surrounding that keep saying that they are stupid, evil (At their time, the sky is considered the home of Gods so their effort was branded evil), dreamer or freak. But they keep trying until they finaly create a plane. the world finally acknowledge them as great people.
Example #3:
D is a man who have business in real estate field, one who always create a lot of money that is. But one day, he got bancrupt and owe billions of dollars to banks. He sunk into the deepest of poverty so that when he see a beggar, he would see a person who is worth billions than him. Did He give up? hell no. 'Cuz until today, he is still one of the top.
hum... those are some story huh? well, some story huh? those people exist among the greatest people the world ever know. They are Isaac Newton(#1) and Wright brothers(#2). Both story clearly tell you what will happend if you face hardship with only perseverence as your thought. What? the 3rd? that's Donald Trump (#3). :)
One of the main reason why this country is not wealthy enough is character. why you ask? those with character will not accept bribe, those with character will not corrupt, those with character will not betray others expectation, those with character will not run from responsibility. Humm... here's some of the example of those cops:
Example #1:
one day Ten Ryu no tomodachi stopped by a cop cos he take a wrong way
Cop: kenapa kamu ambil jalan itu?
A: walah, maap pak, kita gak tau jalan. bisa kasi tau jalan ke BEJ gak pak?
Cop: kalo BEJ itu ke arah sana terus... bla...bla...bla...
A: hmm makasih pak, jadi saya mesti gimana nih? Saya kan gak tau apa2, maklumla pak...
Cop: Waduh tapi gak bisa begitu de, tadi kan udah ngelanggar.
A: jadi gimana pak? damai aja deh... -> ngeluarin nobanan.
Cop: Jangan gitu dong dik.
A: (Mulai berpikir ada juga polisi Indo yang jujur)
Cop: Kalo mau damai, ngasih duid jangan keliatan gitu, kan gak enak kalo diliad orang...
A: [WTF?!?!?!]
That's one problem solved by bribery that is common in Jakarta. Hum... an example of bribery... another!
Example #2:
One day, another Ten Ryu no tomodachi stopped by a cop 'coz he pass a red light.
Cop: kamu ngga liad lampu merah?
B: Liad pak.
Cop: Terus kenapa kamu gak berhenti?
B: Tadi bapak kan langgar lampu merah ya saya ikutin bapak... (memang tuh polisi ngelanggar juga seh)
Cop: ya udah deh. kamu jalan sana. (gak nyangka dijawab begitu ya? huehehhe...)
Another stupid case because of irresponsibility.
Well, Why don't we create a school to develop character? (not to shape the character but to develop it) A school which give 'hardship' with hidden value for the students to develop (not force) their personality and character, A school which treat humans not as hard disc but as true humans that have feelings, A school which don't judge by appearance, A school where knowledge is 2nd to character! And I think that this kind of school will truly educate the students. :)
"I care not about this country, what I care is the future of children."
-Ten Ryu
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1 komentar:
humm... kalo ngmgin konteks karakter.. it's not all about DEVELOP them, but sumtimes shaping is a need, too.
karakter setiap orang itu kan beda-beda, saia sm temen saya pasti karakternya beda, and mind that NOT ALL of them is GOOD, there might be a BAD character.
Let's just say that there's one kid yang mistreated dr kecil, dan pas udh aga gede, dia punya karakter, perawakan yang keras, short-tempered, dan punya sugesti buat ngelukain orang, apakah dengan develop karakter dia, akan tambah berbahaya? dan gimana supaya si anak ini bisa jadi berguna di masyarakat? in this case, shaping their character will benefit them MORE than developing it.
school's not about making us into a hard disk, sekolah bikin kita supaya punya jalan pikiran yang terlatih dan logis. tapi lain lagi dgn hal2 spt agama, PPKN, dan laen2 yg sebenernya mrpkn personal preference, ato ga boleh diajarkan apa yg baik dan tdk, krn di mata kita, pasti apa yg baik bisa beda dgn org laen, tapi hal-hal kyk mat dll, itu penting.
coba dibandingin antara org yg lulus sma dan org yg lulus sd, jalan pikiran nya PASTI berbeda.
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